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Subscribe to our newsletter & text messages that invites businesses to be on our TV program!
These messages go out and only invite businesses that we have personally researched and confirmed online reviews.
We invite many via messaging, but only a few can be chosen for each TV show; so it is 1st come-1st serve.
This TV taping is paid BY CNTV and our sponsor; NOT the business- so demand is HIGH to be on the show!
This is a 2 step opt in process; so please check your email to confirm your subscription to our email & text messaging.
These messages go out and only invite businesses that we have personally researched and confirmed online reviews.
We invite many via messaging, but only a few can be chosen for each TV show; so it is 1st come-1st serve.
This TV taping is paid BY CNTV and our sponsor; NOT the business- so demand is HIGH to be on the show!
This is a 2 step opt in process; so please check your email to confirm your subscription to our email & text messaging.