CNTV - 3000+ business features in 77 million homes, with over 550,000 video views online.
1ST on the TV airwaves on KWHD over the air antennae. Expanded within a year to include nationwide broadcast on ROKU.
1ST on the TV airwaves on KWHD over the air antennae. Expanded within a year to include nationwide broadcast on ROKU.
Business content inclusion on CNTV:
By invitation ONLY.
Businesses do not "pay to air play"
TV Broadcast on ROKU across 50 states, including Canada/Mexico - 24/7
Viewers are consumers; Age 24-48
45% male/55% female
Viewers tune in to learn about companies locally. Connect with their story, and are educated as to what services and products are offered.
Viewers tune in looking for more info about a company than a 30 second ad can provide.
Viewers enjoy the discounts provided by Consumer Rewards.
Consumers trust CNTV to introduce credible and shop worthy businesses.
Sponsors and CNTV provide and pay for the TV Broadcast of local businesses featured on CNTV.
Businesses do not pay to air on CNTV.
Businesses obtain the copyright to use their video feature for marketing purposes.
Why businesses choose CNTV?
- Small/medium businesses can not afford 8 minutes of un interrupted TV airtime.
- Production in full HD is shot on location or by video messaging remotely and paid by CNTV and corporate sponsor.
- CNTV host is an experienced personality with over 25 years-He becomes your spokesperson.
- A professional "peek" into your company is best conveyed by video.
- Consumers trust CNTV to introduce leaders in over 25 industries.
- Businesses are allowed to keep/use the full HD video for marketing purposes anywhere.
- Unlike other media companies (like Colorado and company) CNTV does not charge for airing.
- Video is a powerful online tool, and consumers have come to expect it on websites.
- An implied 3rd party endorsed pro video is superior to an "in-house" production that simply attempts to sell.
Nielson rating on CNTV: We have obtained a .4 in past seasons.
Airing schedule: 24/7 with our own dedicated channel.
Testimonials from past guests on CNTV.
Guest Relations: Legal
Corporate Sponsorship