"Great video editing is a visually exciting mix of Main camera interview, 2nd camera Interview, and B roll footage.! Never leaving one on the screen for too long of a time,,,, nor too short of a time!" CNTV
Normal files are as follows:
1 main cam file. w/ left channel audio.
1-2nd cam file/ no audio
business card for website info and name graphics.
multiple video cuts of B roll for project.
info coming your way via email.
IF 2nd cam is not in the folder; Please ask if there is one, in case it was left out accidentally.
If relevant to the dialogue B roll is available...then use it to match the dialogue, but NOT all B roll has to be relevant to the dialogue.
The most current edits we have you can see at:
1. We normally receive a 16x9 wide format mpeG 4 in HD.
It should be in HD format for youtube upload so HD viewing is an option.
1st interview cam is shot in HD 720 at 16:9 , 2nd cam in 16:9 in HD. 720
Here is some training FOR NEWBIES:(if needed) especially how to sycn both cameras throughout.
There is NO VIDEO training on creating an intro video montage.
Each editors create their own however they choose.. get creative, but make it easy and re-creatable quick. BUT EACH VIDEO MUST HAVE ONE.
Most new editors use the video tutorials, and MOST experienced editors produce great results WITHOUT
fully viewing them and only for reference; by simply making their videos look like those at www.cntvdenver.com
Below are some Tips we send to assist you in creating videos that "look" like those on our site:
Our best training we can give is: MAKE THEM LOOK LIKE THE ONES WE HAVE ALREADY.
WARNING: THE LEARNING CURVE ON 1st few videos can be discouraging, and your features
may require some fixing, But by your 3rd video; changes are rare from us, and our editors quickly
cut through these features-(usually 1 within 2 days)
We can NOT allow editors to sit on projects for a week. So do NOT accept if you cannot complete within days.
Below are the most common mistakes when completing a feature:
Remember when assigned, your instruction was simple:"make them look "just" like those at www.cntvdenver.com
We normally tape a business card at beginning of interview so you know where to find their website info.
The Below are MUST HAVE'S that must be, and can be seen "In Every Video" (IEV)
You must make the lower 3rds match in size and placement, yours can not be overly big or small. Also font should be similar font.
NEW CHANGE: WE use color on the 2nd cam. We used to use Black n white in old samples.
Common Mistakes:
Forgetting to add an intro & exit Video montage.
Absence of music to intro/exit that fades out over the 1st 30 seconds of interview.
Not using an exterior building shot when we introduce, where were at.
Not creating a white bar with cntv logo in for lower 3rd. IEV
Not USING the lower 1/3rd THROUGHOUT the feature with;subjects name,business website,business address,business phone, interviewers name.
Not USING 2nd cam footage throughout. Watch training video #3 on adding 2nd cam throughout above.
DON'T PLACE THE b roll footage on the screen for less than 3-4 seconds, WE hate footage that is flashed on the screen, let the viewer enjoy the footage..
Using 80% of B roll footage. It was shot to be USED. Random transitions throughout.
NOT REMOVING audio from Broll.
Remember to:
INSERT in any additional questions into the interview that were shot after the original interview.
INSERT in any customer testimonials, not in their entirety, just a sound byte from each is good.
INSERT in any photos that have been sent with original raw video.
The Below are NICE and usually necessary TO HAVE:
Screenshot from their website, when mentioned.
On screen text graphics of hrs, bullet points, menus, etc... when mentioned.
Border graphics around testimonials.
Images from their website.
Occasionally features have NO B Roll footage to accompany the video.
In those cases it is imperative that the editor use stock images/video, screenshots, & graphics
to visually enhance the dialogue of the interview and create and interesting feature.
Below are websites of where to download images from as well as samples on our youtube channel
of past features that we successfully created visually interesting videos WITHOUT b roll.
Here is a GREAT tool we use to download video from sites that we use in our edits:
Here is another desktop program that will download ALL images from a clients site IN BULK to use in feature:
If you need intro music for your video collage at exactly 20 seconds or less;
Right click here and save these 20sec mp3's:
For capturing a webpage to use in any feature simply push PRTSC (print screen) button on your keyboard
and then open your paint program and push CTRL V to paste the screen into Paint to save as jpeg.
When NO B ROLL VIDEO is shot; we provide stock images for you to use in the feature.
For some samples of NO B ROLL features,
and samples of how to incorporate some testimonial WITHIN an interview go to OUR YOUTUBE channel:
and search within our channel the word "sample".
SPECIFICALLY the YESS feature, and the Denver TEA. show testimonial.
the others show NO B ROLL. which we use www. images, and powerpoint style graphics.
or simply click here: http://www.youtube.com/user/TheCntv/videos?query=sample
Good Luck!
Upload to OUR YOUTUBE ACCT. New editors; Use your youtube acct. for trial edit.
Send us the link at [email protected]
Wait for us to give our approval that we have sent to biz for approval.
Wait for us to send changes (if needed)
Wait for us to give final approval.
Upon final approval, we pay you via paypal or however you were hired. (make sure we have your correct email for pmt)
Upload NEW final feature to OUR youtube acct. (if changes were made.)
Wait for another project, if we do not send one within a day; PLEASE REQUEST ONE!! We have PLENTY.
CNTV LOGO to download for lower 1/3 graphics bar:
Normal files are as follows:
1 main cam file. w/ left channel audio.
1-2nd cam file/ no audio
business card for website info and name graphics.
multiple video cuts of B roll for project.
info coming your way via email.
IF 2nd cam is not in the folder; Please ask if there is one, in case it was left out accidentally.
If relevant to the dialogue B roll is available...then use it to match the dialogue, but NOT all B roll has to be relevant to the dialogue.
The most current edits we have you can see at:
1. We normally receive a 16x9 wide format mpeG 4 in HD.
It should be in HD format for youtube upload so HD viewing is an option.
1st interview cam is shot in HD 720 at 16:9 , 2nd cam in 16:9 in HD. 720
Here is some training FOR NEWBIES:(if needed) especially how to sycn both cameras throughout.
There is NO VIDEO training on creating an intro video montage.
Each editors create their own however they choose.. get creative, but make it easy and re-creatable quick. BUT EACH VIDEO MUST HAVE ONE.
Most new editors use the video tutorials, and MOST experienced editors produce great results WITHOUT
fully viewing them and only for reference; by simply making their videos look like those at www.cntvdenver.com
Below are some Tips we send to assist you in creating videos that "look" like those on our site:
Our best training we can give is: MAKE THEM LOOK LIKE THE ONES WE HAVE ALREADY.
WARNING: THE LEARNING CURVE ON 1st few videos can be discouraging, and your features
may require some fixing, But by your 3rd video; changes are rare from us, and our editors quickly
cut through these features-(usually 1 within 2 days)
We can NOT allow editors to sit on projects for a week. So do NOT accept if you cannot complete within days.
Below are the most common mistakes when completing a feature:
Remember when assigned, your instruction was simple:"make them look "just" like those at www.cntvdenver.com
We normally tape a business card at beginning of interview so you know where to find their website info.
The Below are MUST HAVE'S that must be, and can be seen "In Every Video" (IEV)
You must make the lower 3rds match in size and placement, yours can not be overly big or small. Also font should be similar font.
NEW CHANGE: WE use color on the 2nd cam. We used to use Black n white in old samples.
Common Mistakes:
Forgetting to add an intro & exit Video montage.
Absence of music to intro/exit that fades out over the 1st 30 seconds of interview.
Not using an exterior building shot when we introduce, where were at.
Not creating a white bar with cntv logo in for lower 3rd. IEV
Not USING the lower 1/3rd THROUGHOUT the feature with;subjects name,business website,business address,business phone, interviewers name.
Not USING 2nd cam footage throughout. Watch training video #3 on adding 2nd cam throughout above.
DON'T PLACE THE b roll footage on the screen for less than 3-4 seconds, WE hate footage that is flashed on the screen, let the viewer enjoy the footage..
Using 80% of B roll footage. It was shot to be USED. Random transitions throughout.
NOT REMOVING audio from Broll.
Remember to:
INSERT in any additional questions into the interview that were shot after the original interview.
INSERT in any customer testimonials, not in their entirety, just a sound byte from each is good.
INSERT in any photos that have been sent with original raw video.
The Below are NICE and usually necessary TO HAVE:
Screenshot from their website, when mentioned.
On screen text graphics of hrs, bullet points, menus, etc... when mentioned.
Border graphics around testimonials.
Images from their website.
Occasionally features have NO B Roll footage to accompany the video.
In those cases it is imperative that the editor use stock images/video, screenshots, & graphics
to visually enhance the dialogue of the interview and create and interesting feature.
Below are websites of where to download images from as well as samples on our youtube channel
of past features that we successfully created visually interesting videos WITHOUT b roll.
Here is a GREAT tool we use to download video from sites that we use in our edits:
Here is another desktop program that will download ALL images from a clients site IN BULK to use in feature:
If you need intro music for your video collage at exactly 20 seconds or less;
Right click here and save these 20sec mp3's:
For capturing a webpage to use in any feature simply push PRTSC (print screen) button on your keyboard
and then open your paint program and push CTRL V to paste the screen into Paint to save as jpeg.
When NO B ROLL VIDEO is shot; we provide stock images for you to use in the feature.
For some samples of NO B ROLL features,
and samples of how to incorporate some testimonial WITHIN an interview go to OUR YOUTUBE channel:
and search within our channel the word "sample".
SPECIFICALLY the YESS feature, and the Denver TEA. show testimonial.
the others show NO B ROLL. which we use www. images, and powerpoint style graphics.
or simply click here: http://www.youtube.com/user/TheCntv/videos?query=sample
Good Luck!
Upload to OUR YOUTUBE ACCT. New editors; Use your youtube acct. for trial edit.
Send us the link at [email protected]
Wait for us to give our approval that we have sent to biz for approval.
Wait for us to send changes (if needed)
Wait for us to give final approval.
Upon final approval, we pay you via paypal or however you were hired. (make sure we have your correct email for pmt)
Upload NEW final feature to OUR youtube acct. (if changes were made.)
Wait for another project, if we do not send one within a day; PLEASE REQUEST ONE!! We have PLENTY.
CNTV LOGO to download for lower 1/3 graphics bar: