Even if you have never written a single article before...
You can have your own NEWS site...
See below how WE will WRITE your articles FOR YOU!! When you SIGN UP for one FULL YEAR! HERE
The year was 2010..
& we realized Media, the "News" online
would be the most powerful content created that would cut through the noise of paid ads & mindless scrolling
that the public would soon call normal.
CNTV was born... to tap into that "NEWS" platform & provide an equalizer for the small business owner & entrepreneur!
Now that we got you "in" the News... one time
We want you to BE the News... Forever.
Imagine... your OWN news site... where YOU are the top contributor in your particular industry.
Now, with the power of Ai & powered by CNTV-
You can have your own NEWS NICHE website that will provide hundreds of articles in your chosen field- delivered DAILY.
And because we are creatures of habit, we go to the SAME site everyday to get NEWS that interests us!
Yet, Imagine how much content DAILY you would have to produce to keep your site FRESH with content whenever your visitor returns?
But NOW with Ai; you can keep them coming back multiple times a day because they KNOW NEW NEWS is waiting!
YOU will benefit; From this daily habit and you just had to share your site ONE time with them!
Yet, Imagine how much content DAILY you would have to produce to keep your site FRESH with content whenever your visitor returns?
But NOW with Ai; you can keep them coming back multiple times a day because they KNOW NEW NEWS is waiting!
YOU will benefit; From this daily habit and you just had to share your site ONE time with them!
Everyday consumers search for information about
your industry...
and GOOGLE seeks out extremely active sites to show up in their search engines.
Ai & CNTV: Constant daily content is uploaded to your site.
And the best part?
WE do all the set up, hosting, niche targeting..
so you can have your site
A stand alone blog or newsletter has limited content.
Limited content will NEVER get your viewer to return daily.
Limited content will NEVER get you on Google search.
If you currently create a newsletter,
blog or simply post informational content:
This will be the easiest self promotion process ever!
Simply copy n paste that text & we convert it into a
NEWS ARTICLE posted to YOUR News website!
Think about the influencers in your industry..
They are "attempting" to create News style PODCASTS
(which are labor intensive) & most can make a bad impression on any brand with low quality results!
NEWSFLASH: Podcasts are NOT News!
He who creates the NEWS...
INFLUENCES the public.
You can try to get your content ACCEPTED
by other NEWS outlets online;
OR you can just JOIN CNTV & they will create yours!
NEWS NICHE contributors on the CNTV platform are chosen to actually be NEWS contributors on our TV channel like this:
We like to think the CNTV interview is the 1st step into the world of NEWS media for a select handful that we invite...
We KNOW the public will see you as an influencer in your industry as a TOP news contributor on your OWN News site...
But will you?
Can you see... what WE did, when we invited you?
Take a look below at EXACTLY how your NEWS site will look:
$$ We know a normal, static, non- updating website$$
Can be hundreds of dollars and monthly hosting fees...
So how much for an AUTO updating- Google optimized site?
$495 ONE TIME; Set up fee
and regular rate of $99.00 per month..
is only $49.00 for the 1st year!
Cancel anytime.
If approved- You will be invoiced.
PRE- PAY for one year w/4 easy pmts
and our NEWS writers will create your articles for you!
-NEWS articles for your News website.
- Custom NEWS articles you can post & re-distribute anywhere.
-NO articles required by you. (only if you choose)
-Truly, set n forget online content promoting you.
- Custom NEWS articles you can post & re-distribute anywhere.
-NO articles required by you. (only if you choose)
-Truly, set n forget online content promoting you.
Make 4 easy interest free payments to Pre Pay TODAY: